thoughts and philosophies on life and death... and everything inbetween...

I have to admit, I go against the majority of my sex here by saying that I dont understand what the fuss is about in respect to strip clubs. A lot of females that I have talked to think they are disgusting, dirty and degrading... but I just don't see it?

The girls that are there are protected by the masses... are there willingly... and are even very proud to be there. (this could be a gross overstatement but I'm referring to legal, over 18s (21 maybe in the states?) establishments)

I will freely admit that I am a bisexual and have enormous appreciation for the female form (which, i might add, is a hell of a lot more attractive than a males) so in going to, and participating in the enjoyments which an adult club have to offer. There's nothing wrong with that.

I'm not suggesting that my opinion is right, I just think that the mindset that a chick stripping off her clothes in these establishments as 'wrong' is a little peruvian...

on Apr 08, 2005
As long as the strippers love what they do stripping is not really a problem.
Unless you think of how they're becoming nothing less than a sexual object that doesnt deserve any respect from the male audience's perspective. I mean women have worked so hard on being respected, that it's things like strip clubs that flush all the work down the toilet.
But that's just my opinion too.
on Apr 08, 2005
I have heard from someone who would know (but I don't have the actual proof to back up the statistics, so take from them what you will)that a large percentage (we're talking LARGE percentage) of women who work in sex services (such as strippers)have been sexually abused...thus, they see the sexual attention as the only attention of which they are worthy. There is a lot of painful psychological factors at play in their decision to strip or become prostitutes. If this is true (and I personally believe it to be) then it's not simply harmless fun for the girls.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the existence of strip clubs...I wouldn't go to one and prude as it may make me, I have a problem with my man going to one. I don't believe in adage of the man getting all riled up at a strip club and then bringing the passion home...why not build the passion and excitement at home?

But as far as other people what you like. It's a (mostly) free country.

And I'm sure that you know that plenty of guys would jump at the chance to have their (ha, bisexual) chick go and check out the babes with them.
on Apr 09, 2005
I respect strippers because they are BABES who get PAID for their BOOBS unlike the SKANKS who show their BOOBS for BEADS! I respect a BABE who values herself.
on Apr 09, 2005
have enormous appreciation for the female form (which, i might add, is a hell of a lot more attractive than a males) so in going to, and participating in the enjoyments which an adult club have to offer

i'm in total agreement with you bout the appeal of female bodies. i can't offer an appraisal of male bodies (there are those who find them attractive) more outta disinterest than anything else.

stripclubs--like the delorean, trickle-down economics, stud poker games involving wildcards, webtv and term limits--are great conceptually but fail quickly in real time. even the best is nothing more or less than a building fulla people doing their best to hustle each other.

it's not nearly enough reason to shut em down, but more than enough to search out less mercenary alternatives.
on Apr 09, 2005
"I don't believe in adage of the man getting all riled up at a strip club and then bringing the passion home...why not build the passion and excitement at home?"

I could not differ with you more. Being able to get your man worked up at home may work for several years, honey; but as top French model, you can take my word as Gospell that every man, without exception, gets tired of parking in the same spot.

When you come across a very attractive women who is flashing that bling, you can rest assure that her man will eventually grow tired of her; and he will inevitably find some other play. The only thing a girl can do is got some extra-martial play. This will not only fulfill you, but also bring your man running back to his parking space. It is just the nature of things.
on Apr 09, 2005

French model, eh? There seems to be an awful lot of them types running around in chatrooms and on blog sites. *cough* But of course I believe you because everyone on the internet who claims to be a model really is one.

As far as extra-marital shit, we've both been there, done that (the circumstances surrounding all that were not your average, so there's no need for you to make assumptions) and neither of us want to go there again. Our sex life is fulfilling and exciting at this point, and with some effort on both our parts it will continue to be in the future. A man doesn't have to get bored with his mate (or vice versa)...those who do usually aren't putting much into the sexual relationship or the relationship at large.

(And for the record, sexual boredom is not an excuse...or even a valid explanation as far as studies on infidelities go...for cheating)
on Apr 09, 2005
I really don't know a thing about your personal life, but I must confess that I have been seduced while involved in a serious relationship with a fine stud, I might add. But it was not something I planned, or anticipated, it just happened. I told him I couldn't because I did not want to betray my man, but I did succumb; and I have no regrets, as I still see him on the side. Under the right circumstances, any women, no matter who she might be, can be seduced. And as for men, honey, they are simply dogs, no exceptions period.
on Apr 10, 2005
...I wouldn't go to one and prude as it may make me, I have a problem with my man going to one. I don't believe in adage of the man getting all riled up at a strip club and then bringing the passion home...

Fair enough, your choice, but at least he's bringing the passion home.